International Media’s PBS Special “Michael Londra’s Beyond Celtic” receives two Emmy nominations!

May 15, 2013


Great news! International Media’s PBS Special “Michael Londra’s Beyond Celtic” received two Emmy nominations! 

From Michael himself: “Great news!!! My TV special “Beyond Celtic” filmed for PBS Television has been awarded 2 Emmy Nominations by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in the US. We earned nominations in the categories of Special Television Event and Direction (for the amazing Travis Fox) . The winners will be announced in Las Vegas on June 15.

The special aired nationally over 400 times in North America and featured my special guests Frankie Gavin and De Dannan, a gorgeous orchestra, musically directed by my rockstar producer, Steve Skinner, Sephira and my fantastic touring band and dancers. 

I was so proud of the TV special anyway but getting this endorsement makes me feel like I am doing what I am meant to do. It was a long and difficult road putting it together and getting it out there. I had the best team around me, on and off stage plus great co – producers in the dynamic Travis Fox, Brenda Markstein and the tireless Adrienne Crane Ross. They showed so much belief in me that it was overwhelming sometimes. What they created on that special day was something magic…”